A Resolution In Support of Peace and Wellness

Pastors of the South Central Conference had a conversation about resolutions for our upcoming assembly meeting. There was an expressed desire to address the issue of gun violence in some way, which led to the drafting the resolution below. It’s too late for this congregation to submit it without a special meeting, but it can be forwarded by any congregation through a council vote. It’s worth some conversation. The resolution follows.

Whereas: In Christian faith we worship the one who comes as Prince of Peace and strive to serve as peacemakers, seeking God’s shalom for all the world and

Whereas: acts of violence are of great social concern, and gun violence in particular affects, diminishes and destroys the lives of many and

Whereas: those who suffer from mental health issues often find assistance, aid, referrals and care hard to come by and

Whereas: the Christian Church carries in its heart of compassion a concern for all people, acknowledging that all people are neither wholly good nor wholly bad but contain the capacity both for great good and great evil, and yet are wholly loved by God, and

Whereas: there is at this time a discernible kairotic moment in which our American society and culture seem willing to act in ways to diminish violence, improve access to mental health care and reduce gun violence,

Therefore: we commit ourselves as individuals, congregations, and the St Paul Area Synod, to support those individuals, movements, and legislative initiatives that seek to:
A.) improve access to mental health care for all people regardless of income, wealth or means,
B.) promote peaceful reconciliation of conflict in relationships, homes and workplaces and
C.) reduce the prevalence of and access to those weapons and accessories best suited to military and police use only, which pose the greatest threat for massive harm.

We commit ourselves to speak God’s word of peace into this moment and to act in support of these individuals, movements, and legislative initiatives through:
A.) our personal and corporate prayers.
B.) our personal and institutional communications and information sharing.
C.) our personal and public advocacy.

We publicly exhort all people and congregations of this synod to lift up and engage these issues of peace and wellness in their personal and public lives.

-Respectfully Submitted
Pastor Martin R. Ericson
Como Park Lutheran Church