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Four Key Faith Practices for Living One’s Baptism


Five Principles of Faith Formation

The three characteristics of Christians

Four key faith practices for living one's baptism

Faith Milestones & Faith Moments at CPLC

Four Key Faith Practices for Living One’s Baptism


The common thread that nurtures faith formation within one’s life journey are the Four Key Faith Practices. These essential faith practices articulate a foundational spirituality that shapes the work of congregations and the lives of Christians. Faith is formed through relationships, and those relationships engage in fundamental Christian practices. These basic faith practices are evident in Scripture, church history, and modern research. It is through such practices that faith is transmitted between the generations and over time.


  1. Caring Conversations:

    These conversation starters provide meaningful reflection on biblical texts and our daily lives. It helps you bond with others on the journey of faith. It also helps you in the important task of talking about your Christian faith.

  2. Devotions:

    Being devoted to God’s word serves as the foundation for practicing the presence of God and blessing you with faith, hope, and love. Having a special time of day to do devotions increases the regularity of this important practice in your life.

  3. Service:

    Christ tells us to serve others. By living the faith in love, we learn the value and joy of the Christian faith. Serving others reminds us of the breadth of the Kingdom of God and that our faith is personal but not private. Faith motivates us to serve the world in love.

  4. Rituals and Traditions:

    Symbolic actions grounded in the Christian tradition throughout the year provide a beautiful and holistic way of experiencing the grace of God. As you practice rituals and traditions, continue to use the ones that fill you with peace, passion, meaning, and hope.