We welcome all to worship here: those who are strong in faith and those who are seeking, those who are hurting, and those who give comfort; all who are drawn to worship and faith. We represent a variety of backgrounds, personal orientations, political positions, races and ethnicities. We recognize that we are not of one mind or persuasion on many significant issues, and yet we gather in Christ to worship God together. If you have questions or need assistance, please ask. If you have concerns, please let us know. We are glad that you are here with us today. ~The People of Como Park Lutheran
What do Lutherans at Como Park Lutheran Church believe?
Lutherans believe that all people are created by God and loved by God, that we are saved by grace through faith, and that our good works in the world flow from our experience of salvation. Lutherans at Como Park Lutheran are Biblical, Christ and grace-centered, and oriented toward service.
What do Lutherans at Como Park Lutheran Church do?
Well, lots of things. We worship, pray, read scripture, sing, support one another, invest time and money in our local neighborhoods and global partnerships. We’re very good at feeding people, both in congregational gatherings, and at food shelves and shelters and in refugee settlements around the world.
The denomination of the ELCA supports congregational growth and development, global missions, multicultural ministries, and more. Lutheran Services, an umbrella organization for food shelves, group homes, hospitals, shelters, and nursing homes is larger than the American Red Cross. And Como Park Lutheran Church Members are amongst the most generous and involved in all the church. You can learn more about this at www.elca.org.
What kind of Lutherans are you?
We are part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), a biblical, confessional, liturgical tradition that is committed to mission and ministry around the world. ELCA congregations, pastors and church members make up a broad spectrum of believers, ranging from conservative, traditional points of view to positions that some would consider quite liberal. Como Park Lutheran Church is on the more open, progressive end of the spectrum with regard to scripture and social issues, though members can be found representing almost any point of view. We are liturgically informal in worship practice and Bible-centered in our preaching.
What do you believe about scripture?
We affirm that the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired word of God, the authoritative source and norm for faith and life. We believe that scripture is properly read in light of the Gospel message it contains, the message that in Jesus God chooses to comfort, console and save us rather than condemn people. We believe that God calls us through the scriptures to fullness of life, justice and service in this world now, as well as to eternal life beyond this world. In Marcus Borg’s words, "We take scripture seriously, not literally."
What do the Lutherans at Como Park Lutheran Church believe about science?
Lutherans make good scientists. As a tradition that grew up out of the German universities of the middle ages, we have always regarded knowledge and learning as gifts from God. Science for us is an exploration of the wonders of God’s creation. As stewards of this creation, with a world view that is both scriptural and scientific, we care about the thoughtful, moral, spiritual and social implications and applications of our learning. We are not creationists, fundamentalists or anti-scientific in our worldviews.
What if I’m gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or uncertain?
You’re welcome at Como Park Lutheran Church. This is a congregation of a church body that welcomes diversity, ordains women as well as men, and accepts the ordination of gay and lesbian clergy who are in committed, monogamous, publicly accountable relationships.
Where are you invested in the neighborhood? Region? World?
A list of many of our ministry partners can be found at our Partner Ministries page.
What else should I know about Como Park Lutheran Church?
We’re worth the drive from wherever you live. Find us, find parking, make your way into the church building and worship space on Sunday mornings for worship, and you will be glad you made the effort. This is a place where God touches people’s hearts and transforms their lives. Join us for worship and see.
For all other questions/inquiries, please contact us.