God Make Me a Generous Man

God make me a generous man [/woman].
I like to be around generous people, because generous people are just more fun. They’re the joyful ones. I like the person at McDonalds who dropped their change – a dollar plus coins!- into the McDonald’s house container, not because the amount means nothing to them, but because it matters. I like the person who orders a cup of coffee at the diner and pays a buck, but who leaves a two buck tip for the waitress, whether she smiled at him or not. I like the person who measures him or herself not by what they have, but by what they can give away. I’m grateful for the dinner guest who brings a bottle of wine to share because it’s one that they enjoy and they think that you might too. Generous people make the world a kinder and happier place for all the rest of us. Generous people aren’t rich as a rule, though some of them are. Generous people aren’t crusaders either, though again, some of them might be. Generous people, instead, are lovers of others, thoughtful and kind, moderate in their own wants and perceivers of others needs and feelings. How many people does God make this way? Is it less than one in twenty? I don’t think we measure that. But at the end of the night, when the party is over, it’s the one who lingers to help clean up and do the dishes that gets invited back again. If we could cultivate just one spiritual gift, it just may be that this is the one that would make the biggest difference. So here’s my heartfelt prayer: God make me a generous man [/woman].

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