God’s Global Barnyard
God’s Global Barnyard
This Advent season, we will be participating in the God’s Global Barnyard Project through the ELCA Good Gifts Program. Barnyard animals help reduce hunger. These animals are an important source of food for many families. They also help people earn income to provide basic necessities for their families. Through our gifts to God’s Global Barnyard, we are helping to break the cycle of hunger & poverty and inspire hope for families in need. During the month of December, there will be a Gift’s Tree in the Narthex. Please help decorate the tree by purchasing an animal (see options below or refer to the Good Gifts catalog) and hang the corresponding gift ornament on the tree. If your gift is in honor of someone, fill out a card to share the news of your gift.
Gift options include:
$10 = Ten chicks
$20 = Honey bee hive
$30 = Piglet
$50 = Goat
$250 = Fish farm
$500 = Cow
$715 = Family farm: a cow, goats, a dozen chicks, two pigs, AND farming tools, seed, and agricultural training.
Contact: Sue@comoparklutheran.org | 651-646-7127 Ext. 2203