Growing Together
Como Park Lutheran Church is a community of learning and growth, where questions are as holy as answers are sacred. This is a place to wonder aloud, to test established boundaries, to grow in appreciation of ancient truths, and to shape new insights. It's a safe place to ask questions and a good place to grow. Every learning and discussion activity is open to all. Check us out at any of the events and venues below.
Spiritual formation and growth begin as the music and rhythms of sacred music, worship, and prayer are lived in family routines. From birth through age 3, children continue to be shaped by the rhythms and routines of family faith practices, and worship in ways that strongly influence their later adult practices. Como Park Lutheran is a place that shapes faith formation and spiritual growth for entire families in ways that are both age specific and inter-generational, and that tie Sunday worship to daily life. Join us for the following and see if it's right for you.
Sunday School
CONTACT: Sunday School Superintendent at (651) 646-7127 Ext. 2223 or
*Sunday School is for all children 3 years of age (by August 31st) through 8th grade.
We meet on the 3rd floor every Sunday after worship service.
CONTACT: Pastor Marty at (651) 646-7127 Ext. 2202 or
*September of the 7th grade year through Spring of the 9th grade year.
Using a large-group/small-group presentation-discussion format for young people and adults together, we spend one year of Wednesday evening classes on basic stories of the Bible, and one year on Catechism and Lutheranism. We meet in person every Wednesday at 7 PM in the Fireside Room.
Youth Meeting
CONTACT: David Osterhouse at (651) 646-7127 Ext. 2204 or
*9th-12th Graders
We meet in person every Wednesday at 7 PM in the Youth Room for interactive, fun, and faith discussions! Whether you join us all the time or can only occasionally participate, you and your friends are always welcome!
Visiting Preaching Scholars
Como Park Lutheran Church contracts with a distinguished professor each year, to preach and teach five Sundays during the year on a topic that they are passionate about. Some of our past luminaries include Doctors David Lose, Matthew Skinner, Terry Fretheim, Roland Martinson, Carolyne Lewis, Catherine Schifferdecker, Mark Thronveit, Eric Baretto, Dr. Michael Chan, Dr. David Fredrickson, Mark Tranvik, Pastor Jason Grimm, Alan Padgett, David and Gloria Anderson, Dr. Lois Malcolm from the Luther Seminary, and Dr. Hans Wiersma, a Tanzania traveler. This fall 2024, we welcome our Visiting Preaching Scholar, Dr. Anna Marsh from the Luther Seminary, who will be preaching about the topic: Food with the Bible.
Adult Forum
Sundays, after Worship Service from September to May
Opportunities for exploring our faith, especially the intersection of faith and daily life. This year's forums include Bible Studies, Wellness Themes, Congregational Life and Mission, Social Justice Topics, and different ways of understanding the life and work of Jesus.
Faith Talk
Tuesdays at 9 AM
Topics include Lutherans and current events, explaining church talk-like law and gospel, and relating to other religions and denominations. We meet in CPLC's Fireside Room.
CONTACT: Pastor Marty at (651) 646-7127 Ext. 2202 or
Bible Study
Thursdays at 9 AM
Coffee. Snacks. Bible. Bring yourself and a friend! We meet in CPLC's Fireside Room.
CONTACT: Pastor Marty at (651) 646-7127 Ext. 2202 or
Third Thursday of every month from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
We meet in the Fireside Room at Como Park Lutheran Church throughout the year.
CONTACT: Meg Duncan at