Stewardship & Finance
Stewardship is the art of living generously. It's our joyous response to God's gracious gifts, given to us. Its range extends from the smile we offer a clerk in the grocery store, to the generous gifts we make to churches and the needy wherever we live. Como Park Lutheran Church invites you to explore, learn and practice this art of faithful living in all that you do.
Stewardship also lives hand in hand with Mission. The stewardship of time, talent and treasure shapes the ways in which CPLC responds to God's calling to "Reach Out in Christ to a changing world."
Annual Pledges or Estimate of Giving cards are collected each November to help in shaping mission plans for the coming year. Offerings are collected weekly in worship, and offering envelopes mailed to members monthly, but more and more giving happens electronically; through electronic check writing, the Simply Giving Program offered by Thrivent, or through electronic transfers of various kinds. Most people still give weekly, but monthly quarterly, annual and occasional gifts are given by many. Como Park Lutheran Church is happy to assist whatever mode or means of giving works best for you.
2024 Fall Stewardship Appeal and Celebration
SIMPLY GIVING PROGRAM: Give Your Offering SAFELY & Automatically
CONTACT: David Laden at (651) 646-7127 Ext. 2211 or laden@comoparklutheran.org
Your gifts are made through a pre-authorized withdrawal from your bank account.
The CPLC Trust Fund receives and invests gifts to facilitate ministries in the congregation, the neighborhood and the world. Interest income from conservatively invested funds that are closely managed for both income and capital preservation provides support for children's ministry, music and art, homelessness and hunger, clean water projects, scholarships, microfinance loans and more. Approximately half of the distribution each year is given for ministries beyond the congregation, while up to half is used for congregational-ly focused ministry. Gifts to the trust fund, of cash, stock or other convertible items can be made at any time. Simply direct the gift notification to the CPLC Trust Fund at Como Park Lutheran Church or call the church office for more information.
Include designated and un-designated gifts, bequests, and memorials. For questions, please talk to David Laden, the Congregational Treasurer, or the chairperson of the Trust Fund.