I’m New
There is room for you at the table. Come check us out!
Wherever you are on your faith journey, we hope you’ll find your place here. Visitors, neighbors, and friends are welcome to attend all of our worship and congregational life events.
What are people like at Como Park Lutheran?
People here are genuine, curious, and involved. Our parishioners range in age from 9 months to 105 years. This is a place where seniors know the names of little children and vice versa.
This is also an open and mutually respectful community. No matter where various members stand on hot-button issues, conversations are open and civil, and you will find an atmosphere of mutual care, concern, and respect.
What are Sunday services like?
Sunday morning services are somewhat relaxed yet lively. Some members dress up; some dress casually. Click here for more details.
Where do I park?
We have plenty of on-street parking in the neighborhood surrounding the church and a parking lot one block east on Hoyt Ave W.
What about children?
We believe "all of God’s worship for all of God’s people" — so we encourage you to bring even very small children to any of the worship services, and to worship as a family. If you prefer, nursery care is available during worship services.
What if I want to join?
Great! Please join us for New Member Conversations, scheduled a few times each year. Talk to Pastor Marty for more information.